Accessibility Statement

Union Real Estate is committed to making our website usable by all people.

Current Accessibility Features

A UserWay accessibility widget can be found on the right side of every page on our website. This widget allows for easy adjustment of font size, line height, as well as other useful features.

We use Squarespace as our website platform. Squarespace allows us to build a better site then we ever could on our own. In particular, Squarespace templates are structured in a way that enables our site to be easily read and browsed by assistive software. For instance, Squarespace uses HTML5 role attributes and micro-formatting to clearly define important elements on the page, such as navigation or header/footer areas, and also uses CSS in the design of the content, which provides flexibility in how our content is presented to screen readers. In places where Squarespace isn’t fully compliant, we’ve added third party tools that are (for instance, with forms).

  • Images have “alt text” associated with them.

  • Title attributes for additional information about links and indication of new browser windows.

  • Structural markup to indicate headings and lists to aid in page comprehension

  • Association of forms with labels

  • JavasScript and style sheets to enhance the appearance and functionality of this site.


Please let us know if you have difficulties using the site

If you find anything on the site difficult to use, please let us know by emailing

All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is welcome and will be carefully considered.